Sunday, December 23, 2007
Musical Frustration
Wednesday night was a fairly pleasant evening at Tyson's Corner, enjoying dinner with Nikki, Andersons and Sextons... Oh - and some DeMarcos were there as well. Dinner was quite enjoyable (save for the temperature and the long wait). But I had arrived at the mall and found the restaurant well ahead of schedule, so I ambled about to see what was to see. This includes no bathrooms and no maps. Non-peeing, easily-navigating jerkholes...
Anywho, I found my way into a Sharper Image store because I like electrons and such. They had an electric guitar starter kit, so I felt obligated to try it out and play rockstar for the rest of the crowd. The staff member that gave me the OK to play it stood around and complimented some of my crappier playing, probably thinking that he was gonna get me to buy something. Poor fool.
While I was playing and checking out the kit, a mother comes up to the salesman and starts asking about the package, particularly if it would be fitting for her 5/6-year-old son. Then the salesman said something about it being too complicated for a child of that age. The mother discussed with someone on the phone how that was the gift he was looking for: an electric guitar start-up kit. But she dismissed the purchase on account of the Sharper Asshole advice.
This is where I should've stepped in, and I still feel regret that I didn't. Honestly, I don't know who to be more angry with: the mother or the salesman. The mother shouldn't have listened to the salesman, who obviously hasn't held a guitar in his life. This is what her son wanted, and it was a good-quality kit. "Too complicated" my ass... Yes, it's a very complex and diverse instrument, but you don't have to be a technical master to use it as an outlet of musical passion. And shame on that guy for indirectly telling a kid he's not good enough for something. Something he might have a great passion and dream for, no less. I hope they both realized their mistakes later on, and I hope the kid plays whatever the hell he wants, no matter who says he can't.
I am obviously a huge advocate of making music a part of people's lives. Yeah, sometimes I come off very opinionated and condescending in my tastes and knowledge. But if someone's heart is behind making a sound that's beautiful and moving to them, who am I to judge? It's not our love of the same music that unites us, but rather the love itself. Love without limitations, and turn up the volume as high as you can stand.
Thursday, December 13, 2007
I'm registering Let's get on this.
1. I make equations out of my odometer readout, and also get excited when it's a palindrome.
2. I can't dance worth anything.
3. I am very opinionated about music.
4. My skills in the kitchen are quite lacking. I am content with bagel bites or PBnJ.
5. I travel to see my family almost every weekend.
6. I do my grocery shopping at 11 PM.
7. I rock out hard in public and don't care who sees me.
8. I would rather talk online than on the phone.
9. I am extremely hesitant to share romance details with my family, mainly the parents.
10. I read books about science, death and cadavers and it doesn't bother me.
11. I'm not antisocial, but I have a hard time with new people.
12. Sometimes I'm a spiteful jerk on the road.
13. I quote movies, TV and Homestar Runner... a LOT.
14. I overthink just about everything.
15. I don't feel guilty about spending my time reading.
16. I might love hoodies and sweatpants a little too much.
17. I can still use various body parts to make fart sounds.
18. I love playing both my PS2 and Wii. I am a gaming nerd, though not to the creepy extent.
19. I really enjoy the comfort of not wearing pants.
20. I have a strange fondness for fire, and a hint of pyromania.
Bonus quirks!
21. If I'm about to rinse my hair out in the shower, I always rinse my lathery hands off first.
22. I believe the 5-second rule is totally relative. The 3 factors are what you dropped, what did it land on, and will anyone see you if you pick it up?
23. I relate very closely to several XKCD strips. (,,,, and Okay - I gotta stop; that could keep going on and on....
24. I can flip small pieces of food or candy nose-to-mouth.
25. I will still go ballistic over bubblewrap. Bigger bubbles = greater excitement!
Friday, December 7, 2007
New job: check; big raise: check; asshole patients: check.
It's really strange having that "new guy" label again, especially after being the veteran and go-to-guy of Pasadena. I think I'm putting a lot of pressure on myself to impress these people and connect with them, but it's probably too much. I know from my sport psychology that team cohesion comes from success more than success comes from cohesion. But I don't feel like one of the crowd yet. It's kind of intimidating to be in such a huge facility with so many people. And with so many people comes so little time to see each of them. I dunno... At least I'm not pressing myself on people and trying too hard, but I'm anxious to hit that comfort/reliability zone. But then this was only the first week.
Did I mention that this is a major raise for me? Yeah. So when my boss called me a few months ago and told me I was the #1 guy on his list for this job, I was psyched. Then when he tossed out a salary number, I thought he was kidding. It's more than double my income as an experienced, skilled tech! PLUS, I'm gonna get paid for my travel miles! We might not log new miles, but just compensate me for old miles driven, but that's like 1.5 years times 30 miles. Ka-CHING! This means there's a good chance I could be emancipated from my dependence on Mom-n-Dad Welfare, Inc. That would be so awesome! Now... what to do with all this extra cash? :P
What does this mean for grad school? I dunno yet. I'm certain that I'm not gonna pursue anything in the next year. I want to really work my way into this job before I start fading out for academic crap again. Do I want a PTA, a DPT or just keep it up with my new spot? I dunno yet, but I've got more time to think it thru. I'm happy because I know I'm making these decisions for me and me alone. I have nobody's model to live up to or standard to meet. I just have to set and work for my own goals.
And now it's story time! Please keep your arms and legs inside the blog at all times. Also secure any loose items you may have brought on with you including purses, wallets, jewelry and other items I will keep if you forget them. Here we go... So Columbia is supposed to be one of those business-thick, rich, snobby areas. I've heard some stories of patients being very blunt, intrusive and rude, but my reception so far has been very welcoming and pleasant. Maybe it's because our population is typically much older, and old people are trying to be nice so they get into Heaven when they die next weekend or whatever. :P But I had my first two encounters today.
#1: I had to be there at 6:45 this morning. That suuuuucked. But I got there and let in all the fitness program people that just want to work out super-early. Most people know my policy on being up before the sun, but I make the effort. So they all get to work and I kick on the radio so they'll have some background noise. But the reception seems to be kinda finicky, so I sometimes have to search around for a station (a GOOD station) that isn't fading in and out. 99.5 will play fine as long as I stand up on my chair in a certain position, but I'm not doing that. First I get a complaint about static, so I try searching around again. The stations I'm used to hearing are kinda hit-or-miss. So before I found something steady I heard one of the older guys commenting how "the new guy just wants to play with buttons." Bite me, sir. My job has nothing to do with keeping you musically entertained. I never let on that I heard him, but I was still annoyed that my attempts to please were seen as just messing around. Bah - go die already.
#2: There's this hilarious old lady we call Dot that comes in and keeps us occupied. We like giving her a hard time and she likes giving it back. Those are the best patients, the ones that you can joke with and be sarcastic and they'll dish it right out to you. So I was standing around talking with her while I was starting to walk back to my desk. I joked about how I had to quit listening to her and go do my job. That's when Fatty McEavesdropperson kept her eyes on her book, but not-so-directly addressed me with, "That (listening to the patient) IS your job." Bitch, I know what my job is. And I don't care what she thinks of me because she doesn't know me and how I like to interact with patients. Again, didn't say anything to her, but just irked me a bit.
One week down, many more to go. I have a long weekend, so that should be quite enjoyable (despite the total lack of college football). I'm gonna spend some time reading since my queue is piling up, and hopefully take care of some Christmas shopping. Oh - and everyone be safe on the roads with all this snow/sleet/crap hitting. H to the oight!
Sunday, November 25, 2007
I'm thankful that Thanksgiving is over!
Okay, so that's not entirely true. But I have been enjoying this lengthy break from work on the longest span of not-working since last Christmas. It was a pretty good holiday. But as my title suggests I'm quite happy to be back at my apartment where it's quiet and predictable and under control. But lemme back it up and take you thru the highlights reel! (Please queue up your own flashback music/sound effects.)
This was probably the easiest Thanksgiving our family has done in a long time. It was just me, the parents, the niece and Kelly and Chris. I got my nap in early that day, then enjoyed some scattered football viewing. Then Leah slept thru most of dinner, so that was quiet. Well, except when we almost made Kelly wet herself with laughter over having extra surplus of mashed potatoes. I dunno how it got that funny, but it was great. Some friends from church came over later for dessert, so more noise was made and Wii games were played. I still have some cherry pie and 4-layer pie in my fridge, but it won't last long.
Friday was pretty chill. Let the record state that I did zero shopping. I wasn't about to go fight my way thru the hordes of rabid savings-driven people. I'm not that patient and I know it. I mostly goofed off until I got a call from my TKD buddy Hayley telling me I should come over and visit. So I drove over and got to meet her cute little daughter. We had some difficulty in ordering and retrieving some carry-out, but we finally came back with mini-burgers and steak, a winning combo every time. By the time I went home, there were two more parents in the house: parents of the Anderson variety. So we all had another good dinner together: PORK SHOULDER! And of course, more pie for dessert.
Then yesterday was kinda interesting... It started with me making a poor trip to Kohls, getting my gas cap crushed, then driving to Burke. We met up with my aunt and uncle and my cousins for brunch. We took lots of nice pictures outside, then raced inside for the Va. Tech game. Hokies made me sweat a little again, but they pulled it out like they should have. Should be a good ACC Champs game this week! So it was a great family encounter until the following dialog came to be with my aunt:
Aunt: was nice seeing you again. You should know you're in my prayers every day.
Me: Okay, what for?
Aunt: Y'know, so you can find someone right for you and (blah blah blah).
Me: Yeah, I'm trying not to worry much about that right now.
Aunt: Oh, right. I'm not worried either.
Me: Umm... yes you are! (She DID just say she was praying every day, right?!)
Aunt: Well, is it wrong of me to be praying for you? I just want you happy.
This annoys me about my Aunt Nancy. She acts as if I am less of a person or incomplete because I'm not paired off yet. It took me a while to realize it, but I am a whole person by myself and I don't need someone else to complete me. Having someone to compliment and add to me would be nice, but I am not missing something because I'm single. It's not really so horrible, so what if I'm happy like this? Is she praying against my happiness? Grrrr - silly old people.
Anywho, I stuck around Burke after everyone else had left... watched more football, ate more pork shoulder sammiches, ambled around Target. I eventually drove back to my place, and I'm greatly appreciating the quiet I've found. It's kinda like a buffer day between those rigors and then going back to work. I'm gonna take care of some minor shopping things, then just lounge around and read. Hope everyone else had a good one. Hoight!
PS - I encountered some crappy traffic here and there, but one big bag of douche stand out in my mind. I think the rudest thing you can do to someone on the road is flash your brights from behind as a get-out-of-the-way signal. Discuss and cite examples.
Monday, October 22, 2007
Best. Uncle. EVER.
I got back to Waldorf late Saturday night, so all the ladies (including Leah) were fast asleep. It wasn't until the next morning that we saw each other. I stumbled sleepily downstairs and heard Leah, Kelly and Dad in the living room. I peeked around the corner and squeaked to get her attention. Then it happened: she turned, recognized me, then ran across the room with a jubilant growl/laugh and arms outstretched for a full-contact hug. Kelly informed me that that was the happiest she had been all morning. I believe it because I remember some alarming crying from early morning. No more.
Fast-forward *badoop baDOOP* to lunchtime. Her father has lovingly prepared a grilled cheese sammich for her and sliced it into handy triangles. I am meanwhile juggling her in the living room and we decide to sit at the computer desk and watch the fish swim all around (as the screensaver). Leah loves her fish. So she kinda lounges on me while Chris looks for her highchair. Having no luck, we decide she seems content enough just sitting on my lap and fish-watching. She hums to herself and snacks on her lunch, but also handing me alternate bites so I can enjoy it too. It's so simple, isn't it? Eating lunch, watching digital fish, being happy. Yes - I rule. A-thank you.
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
2. Has a friendship ended recently that you wish hadn't?
3. It is your friend's birthday; do you buy them a gift even though they didn't (buy you one)?
maybe a card - I'm poor
4. You win the $300 million power-ball lottery. What do you do?
get my family set for life, set up niece's college fund, stock up on music gear, go to every concert I want, buy tons of books, finally get my Trans Am WS-6, then save the rest for things that I need or charitable causes
5. Do you like your music loud or at a reasonable level?
6. Are you a beach person or a snowy mountain person?
I've been on the snowy mountain once.... never again. Beaches for me.
7. When do you prefer to take a shower, morning or night?
either one
8. Can you watch scary movies alone?
9. Soft bed or firm?
10. Would you rather stay home all day, or be out and about?
Depends on.... mood, company, weather, destination, cost. But a lazy day in with a book, movie or just playing guitar sounds awesome.
11. What's one of your worst memories?
Going to my first funeral, the one for my Grandpa Tullos, and seeing his body in the open casket. Surreal.
12. Do you like to keep the peace or be confrontational?
It's possible to keep the peace BY being confrontational. I pick my fights, but I'll call "asshole" if you make me.
13. Are you more likely to be with a large group of people or a few close?
a few close friends
14. What are your plans for October?
hopefully start working at my new location, more reading, getting reading for holiday shopping ideas, stay warm
15. Where would you like to live?
Free Country, USA.... StrongBadia... maybe get a little place on the moon, I dunno...
16. What is your ideal profession?
17. What's on your mind right now?
Do I want to eat something now or try to blow off the hunger by going to sleep?
18. What is one fear that you can't seem to overcome?
ending up alone (as quoted by Nikkipedia)
19. Are you good at math?
I'm awesometastic at it.
20. What's stashed under your bed?
absolutely nothing... it's all tossed in my closet
21. Is there anyone you regret ever meeting?
Yeah, a few people, but those are long stories.
22. In the opposite sex, where should their piercing(s) be?
don't care
23. Would you rather have roommates or live alone?
24. Do you like to drive?
when I don't have to deal with other drivers
(Uh.... #25, where are you?)
26. What is your favorite thing to wear?
black Fender Guitars hoodie
27. If you found out that you were going to be a parent, what would you do?
make sure she got the right phone number
28. Do you give money to homeless people when they ask?
No, but I gave a homeless lady in College Park a pair of flip-flops so she wouldn't burn her feet, but that bitch sold 'em off or something!
29. A weekend in Las Vegas or Key West?
30. Ever had ugly thoughts about someone you love?
sure -- everyone breaks down at some point (just like Megan said)
31. Have you ever made someone so mad that they broke something?
not that I've heard of, but I know I've done the angry breaking before
32. You have 3 months left to live, what do you do?
write some life reflections, give my most valued things away, get more tattoos
33. You're having a bad day, what's one thing that can make your day better?
vent to anyone that listens, chat with Nikki, play some guitar, watch The Office episodes, read
34. What's worse: Tanning bed or Sun Rays?
tanning beds - they create lazy, tan people
35. Is there anything you would change about your body if you could?
yes.... yes there is
36. You wake up in an unfamiliar place, what is your first reaction?
am I really awake?
37. Is there anything that you should be doing right now?
brushing my teeth and going to bed
38. If there was a way to know when and how you're going to die, would you like to find out?
39. What is your favorite breakfast?
scrambled eggs with diced ham and grated cheese, plain bagel with apricot jam, orange juice, sausage and bacon... or Mt. Dew and pop-tarts
40. Your phone rings at 4 am, who do you expect it to be?
a wrong number
41. Last thing you ate?
leftover pizza for dinner
42. One place you will NEVER eat at?
Great Wall
43. How do you feel about your ex?
Which one? I guess I'm mostly at peace about them all.
44. Last person you hugged?
my dad
47. Do you go to school?
probably grad school coming up
48. What's your relationship with the people on your top friends?
all family or friends.... 'cept Atreyu - they got bumped up after I deleted Jered's old account, but they still fucking rock
(What the crap happened to #49? Hell, I'll make my own up)
49. Ever had any interesting celebrity meetings?
Good question! I've been on stage with Kevin Smith, chatted briefly with Dr. Drew and have gotten personal e-mails from Stephen Lynch, Henry Rollins and Christopher Moore.
50. What exactly are you wearing?
black Adidas track pants and low-cut heel socks (yes, and boxers... sicko!)
Thursday, October 11, 2007
Well, fuck...
I'm a little pissed off at her for such a shoddy excuse. When we were trying to hire people, she was VERY persistent about calling us and seeing when she could start. We told her to give us a week to find out from corporate ('cause they take that long), but she called back in maybe 2 days. She obviously wanted to work. But now I guess nobody needs to work in her family, so she didn't need the job that bad. What bugs me even more is that we spent nearly 2 months trying to get new techs hired, we finally get one, but it all turns to dust. Once again, I am the ONLY tech. Aside from this making a lot of work for me, it means I can't really take any time off. Me not coming in basically means I will have double the work to do when I come back. It's all on me! 2.5 years and I'm still doing the most petty bullshit tasks because I have no underlings.
Anywho, half of my jaw is still numb from dental work, but I should be good in a couple hours. Guess I'll just head off to work and try to put on a smile. Look the crap out, world - here I come!
Friday, October 5, 2007
I'm a bad person sometimes!
I dunno... but this is definitely (funnily) wrong. There was some news story about how blind people are scared of these new quiet-running cars. They're claiming they're at a disadvantage for safety and will get hit and killed. I thought that was bullshit, so my sick humor kicked in with me saying, "Isn't that just Darwin in action?" I mean, you either adapt or we weed you out. Then they cut to some blind guy that was protesting (which I'm guessing involved very little marching about) and he was voicing his thoughts while kinda staring off into nowhere. I wanted SO badly to snap my fingers and go, "Sir? Camera's over here... thanks."
Yeah, sometimes I'm a bad person. But good or bad, I am awesome. I bequeath unto myself one high-five. *SHING!* Later.
Monday, September 17, 2007
Weekend Stuffs
Numero uno... please please PLEASE don't ever compare Jethro Tull to Metallica. It's ignorant and insulting. I'm tired of hearing that analogy: "Y'know they were Metallica before Metallica?" No, they weren't.
I realized more than ever before that I could destroy my entire financial situation with a single trip to Borders if I practice less self-restraint. I had to start saving titles as contacts in my cell phone. Nikki also makes me very aware that of the dozen books I want, there's another two dozen I haven't heard of. It's like reading is my crack. I remember saying something to Laurel once like, "It's a good thing Barnes and Noble doesn't sell crack!"
I was very active this weekend. Not only did I take TKD class, but I also went out for a lap around Wakefield right after that. PLUS, I jogged the last mile of it. I'm still not in great shape, but I'm not going downhill like I once was.
I walked out Sunday morning to get the newspaper and felt it: that Autumn chill. You know what that means, kiddies? HOODIE SEASON!!! Granted, I've got about a dozen different ones already, but would it really hurt to have a couple more to really feel safe and warm? No.
That's all for now. Got plenty more to blog, so keep harassing me and maybe I'll do it. Hoight!
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
I'm not dead yet!
Soooo.... I suck at blogging. I haven't posted anything anywhere in nearly 2 months. What the crap?! There's been tons going on and I've got loads on my mind. I just haven't been motivated to write. Maybe I should write more... if for no other reason, to get it out in words for myself to understand. Y'know, like those letters you wrote to your ex, but never put in the mail. More to come later. Bear with me.
Sunday, July 22, 2007
Renee: "That's stupid. How about to... oh! To Steve and Barry's!" Me: "Hell yeah to Steve and Barry's!"
Saturday started off with very loose plans for me and Renee to go to this mall in Baltimore. It's the only place around with a Steve and Barry's store, which sells very affordable school sportswear and lots of other stuff. Despite our best searching, we couldn't find a UMBC hoodie for Renee, but I hit the jackpot. I managed to get 3 t-shirts and a hoodie for about $40. I bought a $15 hoodie. Let that sink in: I bought a $15 hoodie! We ambled around the mall a bit in a Billy-from-Family-Circus manner, then eventually left after declaring the stop a success. We stopped by Rita's on the way home so that added a little extra happiness. Oh - big pats on the back for my driving skills and Renee's kick-ass navigation as my co-pilot.
When we got back to Renee's apartment, I naturally got out of the car and walked inside with her and the other guy that went with us. We played some Brain Age on the Wii (I'm dumb) and decided we would all have dinner there. Upon calling OD (her bf), Renee confirmed that we would order some pizzas and walk over to stock up on drinks. Suggestions of making it a car-bomb night were greeted with joy and frivolity. So we had a lively evening of Wii games, drinking, confusing techno, Lode Runner nostalgia and plenty of Mario Kart 64 (fucking blue shells!). I sobered up and left probably around 1:30 am.
Sunday was even more fun with a whole new crowd. All of the family came up to my place, so that gave me sufficient motivation to clean the crap outta my whole place. It doth now shine like a pretty, sparkling jewel! Anywho, some people napped while others played games. Then we gathered our butts up and had an awesome lunch at Cheeseburger in Paradise. I think we're close to confirming that Mini-Cheeseburgers are the greatest invention of mankind. Seriously - isn't that proof that we've evolved into something better? We had some nice live music and Leah showed her appreciation by waving and clapping for the girl playing. Then we wandered back to the apartment to relax. Various naps of various lengths were had, then we went down to the pool to splash it up. Leah definitely hearts the water, such that she squeaks with joy. I might have to call her Squeakers again. Or Awesome... because she is. Then we all dried off and all the peoples went home. I finally took my nap. It. Was. GREAT!
I finally got up, showered off the chlorine, ate some dinner and decided to blog. This brings us to now. That pretty much brings us to the end as well. I don't have to work until noon, so gonna sleep in a bit. Lots more blogging to come, so stay tuned and keep leaving funny comments - you know who you are! Later.
Sunday, July 15, 2007
"Meme... not a Youyou."
1. Where is your mobile phone? desk
2. Relationship? progressing...
3. Your hair? messy
4. Work? stressful
5. Your sister(s)? Momtastic
6. Your favorite thing? music
7. Your dream last night? Trujillo?!
8. Your favorite drink? Dew
9. Your dream car? TransAm
10. The room you're in? bedroom
11. Your shoes? shoes...?
12. Your fears? future
13. What do you want to be in 10 years? healthy
14. Who did you hang out with this weekend? Chris
15. What are you not good at? surrendering
16. Muffin? please!
17. Wish list item? fitness
18. Where you grew up? Waldorf
19. The last thing you did? laundry
20. What are you wearing? boxers
21. What are you not wearing? pants
22. Your pet? dumb
23. Your computer? new!
24. Your life? interesting
25. Your mood? comfy
26. Missing? Grandpa
27. What are you thinking about? reading
28. Your car? Civic
29. Your kitchen? spacious
30. Your summer? worktastic
31. Your favorite color? red
32. Last time you laughed? today
33. Last time you cried? dunno
34. School? later...
35. Love? unique
Take it if you want it!
Saturday, July 14, 2007
Slept in until noon, sooooo...
I finished two more books: Metallica & Philosophy and The Stupidest Angel. I recommend the previous to anyone that is interested in learning more about their own identity and morals. It goes well beyond the band. (I'll write much more on this later.) And the latter was pretty good, too. Christopher Moore is moving up in my list of preferred authors because he is so hilarious and original. It wasn't as good as A Dirty Job, but it was certainly worth the time.
My boss called me "unreliable in the morning" behind my back. Fortunately, everyone seems to like me more than him. He's pretty much a joke to all of us. It's time to start looking for new work. I am aware I don't have the body to strip, so alternative must be sought. Suggestions are welcome. Anyone want a bodyguard?
I've been to the pool twice now. The water was a little cold last night, but I didn't let that ruin it. There wasn't anyone else there except the lifeguard, and I think he might have been checking me out. I did a few laps back and forth, felt accomplished and lied out in the setting sun for a bit.
My place needs a serious cleaning from the Cleaning Fairies. That's all you need to know.
I guess I should get on with my day. I've got a meme to fill out by Nikki's mandate, a book to buy, clothes to put on, food to eat and a tournament at UMD to go watch. Consider this a warm-up blog. It's nothing sweet, but I'm gonna use it to hit a good bloggin' pace again. Hoight!
Tuesday, June 26, 2007
A pimp's love is very different from that of a square.
I've been antsy about getting some writing done lately, and this came with varied results. One night I sat at my desk for nearly 2 hrs and barely anything to show. Another night I drove home with something original in mind and it just came out with a little patience. Is this what being an author or musician is like? Definitely still in little league. Anywho, here are the previously mentioned pieces. Music to follow when I'm better at that too. :P
(currently untitled) (2007)
On I’ll go
Going nowhere fast, picking up speed.
You can’t know
It’s not what I want, it’s what I don’t need.
Going through zip codes faster than cigarettes.
Hallowed ground
I left behind good times, not just regrets.
On I’ll go
Going nowhere fast, picking up speed.
You can’t know
It’s not what I want, it’s what I don’t need.
No one wants answers, no one’s my boss.
One-man pack
I once was found, but I’d rather get lost.
Going nowhere fast, picking up speed.
You can’t know
It’s not what I want, it’s what I don’t need.
No more ties
I race the horizon, but she always wins.
No goodbyes
Don’t feel much ‘cept the burn of the wind.
Found my peace
Chasing east
Final song
Now I’m gone.
My Revolt (2007)
My life’s greatest battle
Is fighting tide and time.
Must make sure I win this,
Make it all mine.
So go do what you want
But I won’t be in the crowd.
Each step I take, eyes open.
I won’t follow blind or bowed.
I will invert.
I will separate myself from you.
It’s not for wealth.
Sing for myself.
I’ll scream as loud as I want to.
I won’t put down your path,
But I’ve gotta walk my own.
Your message doesn’t work for me
So I’ll just stick to my song.
March in deepened footprints,
Too afraid of being heard.
Living for another’s cause
Is nothing but absurd.
I will invent.
I will invert.
I will separate myself from you.
It’s not for wealth.
Sing for myself.
I’ll scream as loud as I want to.
I only question ‘cause I care.
The standard isn’t good enough for me.
This beaten path, it goes nowhere.
Stop looking and really try to see.
So suck it up,
And fuck it up.
Never mind what the others do.
Write a new rule.
Use a new tool.
I’ll live for me, you live for you.
Wednesday, June 13, 2007
You make me want to quit sharing myself.
Now is where we get into the debate of how "public" my song already are. I have put a lot of my pieces online and unrestricted. In theory, this means the entire net-surfing population can see my poetry or songetry, so I'll say 3.3 billion people are reading my blog. (This is under the random guess that 50% on the global population either has no net access or has AOL, which is basically the same thing. Of course, this figure also neglects the language barrier that would filter out another sizable chunk.) I would be willing to bet that 95% of the people that come across my writings are people that actually know me. There might be a few random peeks here and there, but the majority are friends that are intentionally checking my stuff out. And of those regulars, I doubt that any of them copy/paste my writings or send links around for people to check it out. It's nobody's to show off but my own. I thought I'd found a medium to share with those whose opinions actually count to me, but it seems I need to narrow this down. All that said, I'm fairly calm now. I realize he's acting out of pride, and it's such a thing to explode over. It may just mean I have to set certain parameters on who can view my ramblings and writings. Suggestions?
I have been writing, though. I tried to sit down and force something out for a couple hours last night, but it went very rough. I might have something I would post as a rough draft, but I wanna do some second-impression revisions first. It's still not coming out naturally for me.
Monday, June 11, 2007
The Yin and Yang of an Audiophile
I've kinda joked about it before, but now I know the two polar opposites that attract me in the world of sound. Of course there's the driving rhythms and flighty solos and soulful growls of Metallica (just as one example). I love getting caught in the frenzy, falling victim to the mood of the song and just embracing the overpowering volume, sometimes to the point of doing my body physical harm. So is it any surprise that the other sweetest sound to me is absolute silence? It's so rare to actually find, but there is no other peace like it. No traffic, no phones, no buzzing machines, no fussy babies, no background conversations, no radio or television... just nothing. Even if the breeze were to pick up a bit and rustle some trees, you'd be tempted to "shush" it, and then scold yourself for an unnecessary exhalation. I miss that total silence, especially since it seems to be best for my writing. (Insert segue here.)
I need to get back to writing. I have many things pushing and signaling me to exercise my creativity more, so I just gotta sit down and crank some work out. I wish it wasn't such hard work for me to do. Maybe I overthink and complicate my writing process, but I feel like there's some skilled core that I've yet to reach. Little help?
Thursday, May 17, 2007
It's a nice blend between Tag and Jigglyball.
Each player starts with 8 random facts/habits about themselves.
People who are tagged write a blog post about their own 8 random things and post these rules.
At the end of your post you need to tag 8 people and include their names.
Don’t forget to leave them a comment and tell them they’re tagged and to read your blog.
1. The last time I went to Disney, I accidentally undid the parking break on a mega-golfcart.... on a slight incline. I managed to hold it still while Mom found the brake. This was 5 mins into our arrival at the condo.
2. I managed to enroll in two semesters of Beginner's and Intermediate Karate at UMD while I was already a 2nd degree black belt.
3. I get major whiplash at almost every single rock concert I go to, but I still do it every time.
4. I have the worst case of delayed reaction: I randomly figured out a Calvin and Hobbes joke some eight years after I originally got the book.
5. I have never broken any bone in my body.
6. I once e-mailed Henry Rollins after he made an appearance at UMD... and he freakin' wrote back!!!
7. I sometimes wonder if I could've been a music major in college.... or a rockstar now.
8. Y'know when you get a gift card or credit card or something adhered to a papery surface with those thin lines of sticky whatever? I REALLY enjoy peeling that junk off and rolling it up in a ball!
Okay, I'm taking the Sutton Defense. I really have nobody to tag, so I'm being an outlaw. But just wait until I start one of these bad boys myself! Until then, I gotta go stretch for Jigglyball.
Sunday, May 13, 2007
It has come to this.
So do you feel like you moves one step closer to getting on the roller coaster ride? I don't. Not expecting this to be so wild, but maybe it'll skyrocket later. Nothing like a rocket-kick to the gut in blog form. You heard me.... ROCKET kick. Enjoy.