Monday, October 22, 2007

Best. Uncle. EVER.

Yes, I have doubted my abilities to perform up to par in my role as an uncle, and I'm sure times will come that uncertainty sneaks up again, but I am now thoroughly convinced that I am THE best uncle there has ever been. All my thanks to Leah for making this so. Here's how I know...

I got back to Waldorf late Saturday night, so all the ladies (including Leah) were fast asleep. It wasn't until the next morning that we saw each other. I stumbled sleepily downstairs and heard Leah, Kelly and Dad in the living room. I peeked around the corner and squeaked to get her attention. Then it happened: she turned, recognized me, then ran across the room with a jubilant growl/laugh and arms outstretched for a full-contact hug. Kelly informed me that that was the happiest she had been all morning. I believe it because I remember some alarming crying from early morning. No more.

Fast-forward *badoop baDOOP* to lunchtime. Her father has lovingly prepared a grilled cheese sammich for her and sliced it into handy triangles. I am meanwhile juggling her in the living room and we decide to sit at the computer desk and watch the fish swim all around (as the screensaver). Leah loves her fish. So she kinda lounges on me while Chris looks for her highchair. Having no luck, we decide she seems content enough just sitting on my lap and fish-watching. She hums to herself and snacks on her lunch, but also handing me alternate bites so I can enjoy it too. It's so simple, isn't it? Eating lunch, watching digital fish, being happy. Yes - I rule. A-thank you.

Wednesday, October 17, 2007


1. When you're home alone, do you still close the door when you shower?

2. Has a friendship ended recently that you wish hadn't?

3. It is your friend's birthday; do you buy them a gift even though they didn't (buy you one)?
maybe a card - I'm poor

4. You win the $300 million power-ball lottery. What do you do?
get my family set for life, set up niece's college fund, stock up on music gear, go to every concert I want, buy tons of books, finally get my Trans Am WS-6, then save the rest for things that I need or charitable causes

5. Do you like your music loud or at a reasonable level?

6. Are you a beach person or a snowy mountain person?
I've been on the snowy mountain once.... never again. Beaches for me.

7. When do you prefer to take a shower, morning or night?
either one

8. Can you watch scary movies alone?

9. Soft bed or firm?

10. Would you rather stay home all day, or be out and about?
Depends on.... mood, company, weather, destination, cost. But a lazy day in with a book, movie or just playing guitar sounds awesome.

11. What's one of your worst memories?
Going to my first funeral, the one for my Grandpa Tullos, and seeing his body in the open casket. Surreal.

12. Do you like to keep the peace or be confrontational?
It's possible to keep the peace BY being confrontational. I pick my fights, but I'll call "asshole" if you make me.

13. Are you more likely to be with a large group of people or a few close?
a few close friends

14. What are your plans for October?
hopefully start working at my new location, more reading, getting reading for holiday shopping ideas, stay warm

15. Where would you like to live?
Free Country, USA.... StrongBadia... maybe get a little place on the moon, I dunno...

16. What is your ideal profession?

17. What's on your mind right now?
Do I want to eat something now or try to blow off the hunger by going to sleep?

18. What is one fear that you can't seem to overcome?
ending up alone (as quoted by Nikkipedia)

19. Are you good at math?
I'm awesometastic at it.

20. What's stashed under your bed?
absolutely nothing... it's all tossed in my closet

21. Is there anyone you regret ever meeting?
Yeah, a few people, but those are long stories.

22. In the opposite sex, where should their piercing(s) be?
don't care

23. Would you rather have roommates or live alone?

24. Do you like to drive?
when I don't have to deal with other drivers

(Uh.... #25, where are you?)

26. What is your favorite thing to wear?
black Fender Guitars hoodie

27. If you found out that you were going to be a parent, what would you do?
make sure she got the right phone number

28. Do you give money to homeless people when they ask?
No, but I gave a homeless lady in College Park a pair of flip-flops so she wouldn't burn her feet, but that bitch sold 'em off or something!

29. A weekend in Las Vegas or Key West?

30. Ever had ugly thoughts about someone you love?
sure -- everyone breaks down at some point (just like Megan said)

31. Have you ever made someone so mad that they broke something?
not that I've heard of, but I know I've done the angry breaking before

32. You have 3 months left to live, what do you do?
write some life reflections, give my most valued things away, get more tattoos

33. You're having a bad day, what's one thing that can make your day better?
vent to anyone that listens, chat with Nikki, play some guitar, watch The Office episodes, read

34. What's worse: Tanning bed or Sun Rays?
tanning beds - they create lazy, tan people

35. Is there anything you would change about your body if you could?
yes.... yes there is

36. You wake up in an unfamiliar place, what is your first reaction?
am I really awake?

37. Is there anything that you should be doing right now?
brushing my teeth and going to bed

38. If there was a way to know when and how you're going to die, would you like to find out?

39. What is your favorite breakfast?
scrambled eggs with diced ham and grated cheese, plain bagel with apricot jam, orange juice, sausage and bacon... or Mt. Dew and pop-tarts

40. Your phone rings at 4 am, who do you expect it to be?
a wrong number

41. Last thing you ate?
leftover pizza for dinner

42. One place you will NEVER eat at?
Great Wall

43. How do you feel about your ex?
Which one? I guess I'm mostly at peace about them all.

44. Last person you hugged?
my dad

47. Do you go to school?
probably grad school coming up

48. What's your relationship with the people on your top friends?
all family or friends.... 'cept Atreyu - they got bumped up after I deleted Jered's old account, but they still fucking rock

(What the crap happened to #49? Hell, I'll make my own up)
49. Ever had any interesting celebrity meetings?
Good question! I've been on stage with Kevin Smith, chatted briefly with Dr. Drew and have gotten personal e-mails from Stephen Lynch, Henry Rollins and Christopher Moore.

50. What exactly are you wearing?
black Adidas track pants and low-cut heel socks (yes, and boxers... sicko!)

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Well, fuck...

We got a new tech hired at work last week, so that was a big relief. Sadly, there was a death in the family, so she had to be out for the rest of the week. Then she let us know that she'd be back on Wednesday (yesterday). Then apparently we got another call yesterday saying she wouldn't be in again. The question came up of when we would see her again. I don't know her answer verbatim, but it involved her not coming back at all. Something about having to stay with her husband and help him cope. Seriously? Well, fuck...

I'm a little pissed off at her for such a shoddy excuse. When we were trying to hire people, she was VERY persistent about calling us and seeing when she could start. We told her to give us a week to find out from corporate ('cause they take that long), but she called back in maybe 2 days. She obviously wanted to work. But now I guess nobody needs to work in her family, so she didn't need the job that bad. What bugs me even more is that we spent nearly 2 months trying to get new techs hired, we finally get one, but it all turns to dust. Once again, I am the ONLY tech. Aside from this making a lot of work for me, it means I can't really take any time off. Me not coming in basically means I will have double the work to do when I come back. It's all on me! 2.5 years and I'm still doing the most petty bullshit tasks because I have no underlings.

Anywho, half of my jaw is still numb from dental work, but I should be good in a couple hours. Guess I'll just head off to work and try to put on a smile. Look the crap out, world - here I come!

Friday, October 5, 2007

I'm a bad person sometimes!

So today was an absolutely sucktastic day at work. I took to throwing things (just pens and highlighters) and mumbling angry things louder than usual. I honestly think Charlene decided to take today off for a 3-day weekend. But she never called to let us know she wouldn't be in, so that made things craptacular for the rest of us. Patients were forgetful of their appointment times, impatient, and certain ones were just plain annoying and useless. We really get treated like crap sometimes and I do a bad job of hiding how pissed I am. I will tell people my day is going to crap. Is that so wrong?

I dunno... but this is definitely (funnily) wrong. There was some news story about how blind people are scared of these new quiet-running cars. They're claiming they're at a disadvantage for safety and will get hit and killed. I thought that was bullshit, so my sick humor kicked in with me saying, "Isn't that just Darwin in action?" I mean, you either adapt or we weed you out. Then they cut to some blind guy that was protesting (which I'm guessing involved very little marching about) and he was voicing his thoughts while kinda staring off into nowhere. I wanted SO badly to snap my fingers and go, "Sir? Camera's over here... thanks."

Yeah, sometimes I'm a bad person. But good or bad, I am awesome. I bequeath unto myself one high-five. *SHING!* Later.