Mike has started up an early-morning class for the summer, so that means I get to show up at 7:00 to open the gym up. This means I also have to wake up at 5:30 in order to make a timely arrival. Even worse are the fitness members demanding that I show up at 6:45 for them to get an early start. I have the key and you don't - you lose. Nikki has a wiener-punching approach that sounds good in theory, but.....
Aside from grossly adjusting my sleep schedule, my body hasn't exactly been kind to me in my attempts to exercise. I've had a couple dizzy-spells of varying severity, and prolonged muscle cramping. This is strange since I've worked out several times before and felt nothing but great. Plus, how frustrating is it that I'm an EXERCISE SPECIALIST and I can't even get my act together. But I'm trying. And if I reach strike 3, I will consult a doctor. I've already got one of my patients calling me a retard for not having done so yet. Thanks, Pam.
And one of our cardiac patients surely topped himself today. I've already mentioned JP before about having some entertaining moments of mumbled honesty. He doubled us over with laughter a few weeks ago when explaining why he couldn't eat or drink whatever he wanted: his wife. We reminded him that he's a grown man and can do what he wants, but he replied with a hint of fear, "But she weighs more than me!" Ooooooh JP.... So yeah, today he couldn't find his car keys. I tell him I'll go look around outside a little later. Then I soon find out they're still in the ignition... engine running.... doors locked. All got fixed in the end, but I still worry about him, who can't even keep his days and visits straight.
To balance out my expressed woes and all with some joy, I'll simply post a new picture. My niece makes me incredibly happy and I'm pretty sure I do the same for her. This should serve as proof. Later, y'all.
1 comment:
Cute chick.
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