Thursday, March 13, 2008

Part II: I Dunno...

I previously alluded to there being a second part to the story of my NY trip. I also asked Nikki earlier today, "What should I blog about?" Her response: "I dunno." So there you have it. Maybe that sums up my overall feeling better than any other clever phrasing. So what's the deal? A while back, my butt-twin expressed concern over a romantic couple in which the guy saw his girl's usually endearing traits as annoying. My problem seems to be the opposite: guy has several asshole-ish traits that should totally turn girl off, but they're still together.

So yeah, I felt like Renee and I both caught some dumbass behavior from her live-in boyfriend, OD. Let me count the things for which I hate thee:
1. You spent more time playing on my Wii than you did interacting with your real-life girlfriend.
2. You made gaming about "perfection", not fun.
3. You hogged games, then snapped at Renee for doing things wrong. Or you tried to console her over the littlest things. She's not a baby.
4. You went to work.... once. She went to at least 4 shifts while I was there.
5. When we walked home at 11 PM in the fuckin' cold, you didn't offer her your coat. I did.
6. I had to remind you the next day about going to change your tire.
7. I had to SHOW you how the crank and tire iron fit together, then you got snappy with me for not wanting to hold the cold metal while I had no gloves.
8. You thanked me for none of my help.
9. You did not help me navigated properly at all.
10. You changed my stereo without even asking. All control privileges are strictly those of the pilot UNLESS you are invited to take over. You were not.
11. You did not remember to get the meds Renee needed, even after I mentioned it a few times.
12. You nearly had us buy lots of shitty beer.

Before this trip, I liked OD. I thought he and Renee were good for each other. I didn't want to punch him. But things change. I realize that I don't like him anymore, and that I don't think he's good enough for her. He is merely hanging onto her coattails and providing a slight financial relief in the rent. He is more burden than reward and he can't even listen to her warnings about how serious the situation is. I guess there's been some fighting lately, and she's not sure they're gonna make it thru this as a couple. He's not the anchor that holds her steady, but the one that holds her back. I'm not wishing things to go bad between them, but.... I dunno.
I guess the right thing to do would be to pray.

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