Sunday, July 15, 2007

"Meme... not a Youyou."

Here's a meme that I promised Nikki I'd do. I thought she was being kinda short-worded with it until I saw that it's a one-word meme. That's gonna make this interesting.

1. Where is your mobile phone?
2. Relationship? progressing...
3. Your hair? messy
4. Work? stressful
5. Your sister(s)? Momtastic
6. Your favorite thing? music
7. Your dream last night? Trujillo?!
8. Your favorite drink? Dew
9. Your dream car? TransAm
10. The room you're in? bedroom
11. Your shoes? shoes...?
12. Your fears? future
13. What do you want to be in 10 years? healthy
14. Who did you hang out with this weekend? Chris
15. What are you not good at? surrendering
16. Muffin? please!
17. Wish list item? fitness
18. Where you grew up? Waldorf
19. The last thing you did? laundry
20. What are you wearing? boxers
21. What are you not wearing? pants
22. Your pet? dumb
23. Your computer? new!
24. Your life? interesting
25. Your mood? comfy
26. Missing? Grandpa
27. What are you thinking about? reading
28. Your car? Civic
29. Your kitchen? spacious
30. Your summer? worktastic
31. Your favorite color? red
32. Last time you laughed? today
33. Last time you cried? dunno
34. School? later...
35. Love? unique

Take it if you want it!

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