Thursday, December 13, 2007

I'm registering Let's get on this.

Here's my 20+ quirks that some might find weird, but others might see as endearing. Enjoy and feel free to remind me of anything I forgot. (Now get that post back up, Laurel!)

1. I make equations out of my odometer readout, and also get excited when it's a palindrome.
2. I can't dance worth anything.
3. I am very opinionated about music.
4. My skills in the kitchen are quite lacking. I am content with bagel bites or PBnJ.
5. I travel to see my family almost every weekend.
6. I do my grocery shopping at 11 PM.
7. I rock out hard in public and don't care who sees me.
8. I would rather talk online than on the phone.
9. I am extremely hesitant to share romance details with my family, mainly the parents.
10. I read books about science, death and cadavers and it doesn't bother me.
11. I'm not antisocial, but I have a hard time with new people.
12. Sometimes I'm a spiteful jerk on the road.
13. I quote movies, TV and Homestar Runner... a LOT.
14. I overthink just about everything.
15. I don't feel guilty about spending my time reading.
16. I might love hoodies and sweatpants a little too much.
17. I can still use various body parts to make fart sounds.
18. I love playing both my PS2 and Wii. I am a gaming nerd, though not to the creepy extent.
19. I really enjoy the comfort of not wearing pants.
20. I have a strange fondness for fire, and a hint of pyromania.

Bonus quirks!
21. If I'm about to rinse my hair out in the shower, I always rinse my lathery hands off first.
22. I believe the 5-second rule is totally relative. The 3 factors are what you dropped, what did it land on, and will anyone see you if you pick it up?
23. I relate very closely to several XKCD strips. (,,,, and Okay - I gotta stop; that could keep going on and on....
24. I can flip small pieces of food or candy nose-to-mouth.
25. I will still go ballistic over bubblewrap. Bigger bubbles = greater excitement!


Laurel said...

I put mine up!

Just Jonna said...

hey, first visit to your blog, by way of 'keep this on the dl'.
I have to add another factor to the 5 second rule;
did the food land wet side down? that totally makes the difference for me.

oh, what's a palindrome?