Friday, December 7, 2007

New job: check; big raise: check; asshole patients: check.

So today wrapped up my first week of full-time work at my new job in Columbia. I'm not sure I've explained it much to people, but I'm now an Exercise Specialist. No more silly gopher work for me! I do some work with cardiac rehab patients, basically taking vitals every so often and keeping them on track with their routines. I will also be doing some personal training with patients that need some one-on-one supervision. Oh - and the Biodex. The Biodex is a big machine that we can use for all sorts of things, but some companies will send us interviewees to make them take a strength test that's relevant to their job. Lots of new toys and protocols to learn, lots of people to interact with, lots of excitement. Overall, it's been a good first week.

It's really strange having that "new guy" label again, especially after being the veteran and go-to-guy of Pasadena. I think I'm putting a lot of pressure on myself to impress these people and connect with them, but it's probably too much. I know from my sport psychology that team cohesion comes from success more than success comes from cohesion. But I don't feel like one of the crowd yet. It's kind of intimidating to be in such a huge facility with so many people. And with so many people comes so little time to see each of them. I dunno... At least I'm not pressing myself on people and trying too hard, but I'm anxious to hit that comfort/reliability zone. But then this was only the first week.

Did I mention that this is a major raise for me? Yeah. So when my boss called me a few months ago and told me I was the #1 guy on his list for this job, I was psyched. Then when he tossed out a salary number, I thought he was kidding. It's more than double my income as an experienced, skilled tech! PLUS, I'm gonna get paid for my travel miles! We might not log new miles, but just compensate me for old miles driven, but that's like 1.5 years times 30 miles. Ka-CHING! This means there's a good chance I could be emancipated from my dependence on Mom-n-Dad Welfare, Inc. That would be so awesome! Now... what to do with all this extra cash? :P

What does this mean for grad school? I dunno yet. I'm certain that I'm not gonna pursue anything in the next year. I want to really work my way into this job before I start fading out for academic crap again. Do I want a PTA, a DPT or just keep it up with my new spot? I dunno yet, but I've got more time to think it thru. I'm happy because I know I'm making these decisions for me and me alone. I have nobody's model to live up to or standard to meet. I just have to set and work for my own goals.

And now it's story time! Please keep your arms and legs inside the blog at all times. Also secure any loose items you may have brought on with you including purses, wallets, jewelry and other items I will keep if you forget them. Here we go... So Columbia is supposed to be one of those business-thick, rich, snobby areas. I've heard some stories of patients being very blunt, intrusive and rude, but my reception so far has been very welcoming and pleasant. Maybe it's because our population is typically much older, and old people are trying to be nice so they get into Heaven when they die next weekend or whatever. :P But I had my first two encounters today.

#1: I had to be there at 6:45 this morning. That suuuuucked. But I got there and let in all the fitness program people that just want to work out super-early. Most people know my policy on being up before the sun, but I make the effort. So they all get to work and I kick on the radio so they'll have some background noise. But the reception seems to be kinda finicky, so I sometimes have to search around for a station (a GOOD station) that isn't fading in and out. 99.5 will play fine as long as I stand up on my chair in a certain position, but I'm not doing that. First I get a complaint about static, so I try searching around again. The stations I'm used to hearing are kinda hit-or-miss. So before I found something steady I heard one of the older guys commenting how "the new guy just wants to play with buttons." Bite me, sir. My job has nothing to do with keeping you musically entertained. I never let on that I heard him, but I was still annoyed that my attempts to please were seen as just messing around. Bah - go die already.

#2: There's this hilarious old lady we call Dot that comes in and keeps us occupied. We like giving her a hard time and she likes giving it back. Those are the best patients, the ones that you can joke with and be sarcastic and they'll dish it right out to you. So I was standing around talking with her while I was starting to walk back to my desk. I joked about how I had to quit listening to her and go do my job. That's when Fatty McEavesdropperson kept her eyes on her book, but not-so-directly addressed me with, "That (listening to the patient) IS your job." Bitch, I know what my job is. And I don't care what she thinks of me because she doesn't know me and how I like to interact with patients. Again, didn't say anything to her, but just irked me a bit.

One week down, many more to go. I have a long weekend, so that should be quite enjoyable (despite the total lack of college football). I'm gonna spend some time reading since my queue is piling up, and hopefully take care of some Christmas shopping. Oh - and everyone be safe on the roads with all this snow/sleet/crap hitting. H to the oight!

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